May 10, 2011

Those to whom Nature begins to disclose her revealed mystery feel an irresistible longing for her most worthy interpreter, Art     
 --Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Goethe has expressed in intimate fashion in his fairytale “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily” what he regarded as the right impulses of culture, knowledge, feeling and will; that is, what he was obliged to look upon as necessary for the activity of man in the future. He has concealed in his fairy tale what he knew of the spiritually hidden active forces at work in mankind since the fifteenth century, and that will be at work for about two thousand years more. You know, too, how in our Mystery Dramas we have sought to bring to life in all possible detail what Goethe saw when he composed this fairytale “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”. The intention was to bring to expression, in the way in which it can again be brought to expression today, a hundred years later, what inspired Goethe and is to inspire the entire fifth post-Atlantean culture as the highest spiritual treasure. Such depths of soul underlying so great and powerful a work as the fairytale “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”
--Dornach 1916

May 02, 2011


I offered a link to this blog on one of the grant applications I submitted suggesting the judges panel could monitor my progress working on this project and then have posted nothing on it since. Sigh.. so much of the work is simply cerebral. I rely heavily on the process of creative envisioning! That's not a cop out but a fact. I'd say close to 90% of every artistic endeavor I take on I do in silence and in solitude, the other 10% in active collaboration. This project is going to require a lot more action but with a date set of Summer 2012 I'm still in the process of visualizing how the whole thing will go down. It's going to demand the assimilation of every single idea and experience I've ever accomplished and encountered my whole life long! For 2 years now I've been deeply contemplating this story and how to ambitiously bring it to life. The set design alone is FAR from a simple matter to take on.

Recently my partner and I went to see a production of Camelot put on by a local operatic community theater. The performance was adequate, I'm not a fan of this particular rendition of the story that focuses mainly on the love affair of G & L.. but the costumes and set was donated by a professional production company which awarded me several aha moments in how to stage the raising of the underground Temple to the surface at the end of GSBL. That was something I was so far sweating quite a bit. I also talked to my friend Michael Folger who plays the Green General in Aeterno Elementum and he agreed to play the role of the Gold King for GSBL. So the scene of the Temple has begun to crystallize and take form in both my mind and manifestation!

me w/Michael in AE

Also Jeremy Veleber from Arakus and I were talking about L-wire possibilities the week before last at band practice. He's a software engineer and he believes he can reprogram the controllers to offer more options than the standard solid on, marquee, & strobe and agreed to assist with the Will-O-the-Wisps costumes which I'm super excited about! The next major challenge is determining whether the Green Snake will be performed by some sort of aerialist/acrobat or a giant puppet? As well as should the Giant be a laser projection like I saw in the Broadway touring production of Spamalot (the cow trebuchet) which is how I originally imagined it.. or have my friend Just Sage play it on stilts? That one entirely depends on what kind of budget we have to work with...

The script will be shared as soon as I've completed it! Trucking along bit by bit.. Stay tuned! So say we all.